
TechTip: How (and why) I watermark my photos on social media 

 January 9, 2014

By  Pascal Depuhl

[TechTip – a short post about a quick tip that will save you time and frustration].

As photographers we love social media as a plattform to engage with clients and to show of our most recent work. A few months ago (September 2013) Facebook and Instagram announced a change in their T&C when it comes to using your photographs on their sites (read more about the changes on ASMP’s Strictly Business blog). So short of deleting all social media accounts, I’ve decided to watermark my images – and although it does not protect them from physically being used on social media site marketing, it does at least put my name, logo and copyright notice on the images.

Prep your images: Watermark them before uploading on social media

It’s not that difficult to do – I rarely post a picture online that I don’t in some way run through an app – be that Photoshop Express, Instagram or [nextpage title=”or what? I really want to know …”]
most recently Snapseed (HT Dave Gallagher from Capture Integration @CI_Atlanta). So it’s just one more step to add you © info and logo watermark with PhotoMakr. This app lets you embed two pieces of info:

• your logo

• your copyright info

Then you can choose your opacity to choose if you want it barely visible or totally obnoxious, it’s really your choice.

Watermark on my image brands it and let's me also specify copyright information before uploading to social media sites

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

Pascal Depuhl

Miami product photographer, video producer, cinematographer and chief mindchanger at Photography by Depuhl

I love to share the knowledge I've gained over the past two decades. Catching light in motion.
