
Tell a story to step up your video 

 June 20, 2015

By  Pascal Depuhl

Story is the foundation of video

Don’t have a great story? Stop everything and find one, before you do anything else. No seriously stop. Get the story. It’s the foundation of your video. Learn how to step up your video from the talk I gave at WordCamp Miami a few weeks ago.

Next weeks video is all about sound

Next week we’ll dive into the second step of “How to step up your video: Sound“. Audio is one of those things for us photographers that we tend to ignore. DON’T. I believe sound is more important than your visuals. Get a primer on why the one piece of gear you need for good video, has nothing to do with video.


I spoke at #WCMIA as part of a MarketingHack#6: Speak to influencers that your target market trusts.

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Pascal Depuhl

Miami product photographer, video producer, cinematographer and chief mindchanger at Photography by Depuhl

I love to share the knowledge I've gained over the past two decades. Catching light in motion.
